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Brand : Dabur
Manufacture : Hermas Unani Herbal Pharma
Form Of Medicine : Aristam
Category : Sasthiriya Medicine
Estimated Delivery : 26 - 02 Mar 2025
Medicinal Properties
Khadirarishta has following medicinal properties.
Primary Action
Aam Pachak (Detoxifier)
Digestive Stimulant
Blood purifier
Secondary Action
Mechanism of Action
Khadirarishta ingredients have all above medicinal properties. According to ayurveda, it generally works in diseases occur due to dominance of VATA, KAPHA or AMA conditions. The mechanism of action includes:
It reduces AMA by digesting it and eliminating it. It also stops production of the toxins and their accumulation in the intestines. Hence, it reduces toxins absorption into the blood. Through this mechanism, it prevents diseases, which occur due to toxins absorption into the blood.
The second mechanism is that it directly works on the blood, detoxifies it, digests AMA present in the blood, and helps kidneys to excrete toxins.
Third main action is its antipruritic property, which might be due to antihistamine action of some ingredients present in it.
Therapeutic Indications
Khadirarishta is mainly used for skin diseases and blood disorders. It works on main symptoms like itching, rashes and sensitive skin.
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