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Spirulina Capsules For Improving Iron & Immunity
Spirulina Capsules Organic vegan superfood, Rich in Iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C & other important vitamins and minerals, Boosts RBC production, oxygen supply and energy, Spirulina Capsules Strengthens Immunity, Helps detox and increase iron absorption, Promotes general well-being, Rich source of dietary fiber, Improves blood flow & nutrient distribution in body, Aids weight loss, Helps in better digestion, Reduces fatigue, Improves concentration and eyesight, Restores sleep, Protects against chronic inflammation
Benefits ofSpirulina Capsules:
Made of Blue Green Algae giving the highest source of protein, minerals, antioxidants
Composed of 60-64% protein compared to meat (27%) and soybeans (34%)
Provides 12 times more protein than meat equivalent
3900% more beta-carotene than carrots and beetroot
300% more calcium than whole milk
375% more protein than tofu, paneer
Reduces lethargy & keeps you physically active
Reduces cholesterol
Helps lower blood pressure
Strengthens hair, skin, nail and bones
Spirulina Capsules Helps combat cell damage and ageing
Contains iron, iodine, amino acids, antioxidants
Contains no added sugar or preservatives
Recommended Intake: 1 tablet after a meal once or twice a day
Caution: People with allergies to seafood, seaweed should avoid Spirulina Capsules. Not recommended for pregnant & lactating women.
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